
Map of the trip as recorded by my SPoT satellite tracker.

The route was ridden in a clockwise direction. I started in California, went across Arizona to Texas, and then down the Gulf Coast of Mexico into Guatamala. I spent about a month in Guatemala, and returned up the Pacific coast of Mexico, taking the overnight ferry from Mazatlan to La Paz, and then up through Baja back to California.

Click here to read the blog in chronological order

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 3: Disaster struck last night. The bike stopped working 50 miles west of Phoenix. The engine will turn over but not start. I was able to get it to coast into a TA truck stop, thankfully. It happened at 5:30 pm, and I spent hours trying everything I could. I met a nice 50's-ish guy who works as a diesel mechanic at the truck stop, and he saved me hundreds of dollars in towing fees by driving me to a motel at 11:30 pm. He offered to help me in the morning, and is confident we can get the bike started again with the help of his friend, Glenn.

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