
Map of the trip as recorded by my SPoT satellite tracker.

The route was ridden in a clockwise direction. I started in California, went across Arizona to Texas, and then down the Gulf Coast of Mexico into Guatamala. I spent about a month in Guatemala, and returned up the Pacific coast of Mexico, taking the overnight ferry from Mazatlan to La Paz, and then up through Baja back to California.

Click here to read the blog in chronological order

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 10: Luca, Choy, Evan, and I explored a pretty extensive swimming and wading cave right near Portrero Redondo. There was an long underwater lake, which ranged from waist deep to swimming, and had a couple duck unders (where we held our breath and ducked under a rock wall, underwater, to emerge in air on the other side). Click here for a video of one of the duckunders.

Afterward getting back to the truck after this, we descended Hydrophobia canyon, which I really liked! It had lots of swimming and great jumps. I was a bit cold with my shorty wetsuit and overcast weather, and I opted out of a few jumps. I think the canyon took around 6 hours or so. Click here for a video of one of the jumps in the canyon.

As we exited the canyon and started the 3 mile walk back to Choy's pickup truck, a thunderstorm started. It made it very exciting for the hike back!

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